Happy Flipping Christmas, Guys!
by Nikki LLL Blog, December 28, 2014
Merry Christmas everyone :} hope that each and every one of you had a fab time - no matter how you spent it, what you received or what you could afford to give. I have to be honest - for me, receiving gifts and the feelings this causes in me [happiness? what is this?] is quite hard to deal with; what with my raging Cherophobia.
Normal service will resume on the blog shortly; as you may or may not be aware, I'm also still very much suffering from a broken hip at the moment - so my resources, health and mobility are at an all time low. #TMIFridays will be back with a bang this week and I can't wait to have a proper sit down and read about you guys' festive experiences, what with this mini-break from work! Leave your links below or connect with me via Twitter - big things are on the cards for LoveLaughsLipstick in 2015 and I'd love to take you with me on this journey :}
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