I might have mentioned it once or twice; but I've been in a pretty bad way these past few months what with the state of my health. Won't harp on about it like, cos I'm trying this whole 'positive' attitude on the daily. But it just means little things like eating more fruit 'n' veg and taking vitamin supplements have become more important to me. Where once vodka and Jagermeister were the two biggest focal points in my life, I have replaced that with sensibility and budgets. And bulk buying Flash cleaning wipes.
Beyond tragic, really.
In this responsible phase I'm going through; where I'm having genuine fruit for breakfast [bear in mind I used to have a mug of coffee and a pack of cookies - and I mean the full pack for breakfast] and trying to be an all round better person, I've started taking Vitamin tablets. Nowt mental; I just started taking Well Woman Original capsules with my tea. They're supposed to regulate your hormones and also give you more energy, in addition to what normal vitamin tablets do. And although I don't think I've noticed that much of a difference in how I feel so far, I certainly don't feel worse for having been taking them.
This doesn't explain the picture above of a totes unrelated product however; so I'll stop banging on and get to the meat of this post. When I placed my order with Boots online last week, they had a fab offer on where if you bought Vitamin tablets online, they threw in a free gift. I LOVE it when Boots do this kinda thing; at Christmas they slayed it with the freebies. So when my parcel turned up, I was chuffed to find I had been sent not just what I had ordered, but also these Re-Energising tablets.
You may have noticed, but [as well as poverty and general laughing at my own expense] a massive recurring theme within my life is, ironically enough, how tired I am and how I always sleep through my alarm[s]. So this product may well have been a little godsend [if it works!] I got 20 of these Re-Energise tablets with my order; they come in a plastic tube with a pop off lid. All the deets you need about them is on the box / on the plazzy tube, so they're pretty self explanatory. Basically, they contain vitamins such as Vitamins C & B that energise you. And that's that.
After pouring a glass of water, you just plop the tablet in and within a matter of minutes, the bubbling subsides and the drink is ready.
Really though; the way these tablets dissolve is mint - they're so noisy! Was probably the highlight of the whole experience for me. But then again, I have next to no life and I will be the first to admit I'm easily amused so what was a 'novel' experience for me might not float your boat so much.
When it's done you're left with a pure fluoro drink which looks like orange cordial; not just any insipid shade. It tastes a lot like cordial as well, though it definitely has a slight tang to it. It's a lot nicer than other dissolvable vitamins and medicine taste-wise, for sure though. I have a habit of making a drink and then forgetting to drink it - but I finished this off fully, so it must have been alright.
I'm not sure whether after my first glass today I felt much different. I am absolutely shattered at the moment, so I doubt that any vitamin boost would actually energise me that much. I did feel a bit like I was on a coffee high for a little while after I'd drunk it though. Basically, this is a really great free gift and I'm going to give them a few goes to see if I feel the benefit. And if you're planning on ordering in new vitamin tablets then I highly recommend that you do this via Boots; as all free vitamins are worth taking advantage of.
Pros - Tastes alright really for a vitamin drink, quick [and entertaining] to dissolve, did seem to give me a bit of a boost during my afternoon lull.
Cons - It says that if you excessively consume this product, it can have a 'laxative' effect.... Never the most desirable of side effects!! Also a bit tangy taste wise.
Watch this space to see if this free gift will lead to an ongoing love affair with this product.
If you fancy trying these tablets out, you can read more about them here. They retail at £3.99 [so not bad for a free gift] and Boots also make a cherry flavour, which sounds nice.
Have you ever tried these tablets, or anything similar? What's your top tip / go to product for boosting your energy levels? As 50% human, 50% sloth I could really benefit from some energy enhancing tips!