AGES AGO, right, the lovely people at #PaperHaul sent me one of the cutest boxes of creativity I've ever seen in my life. And because I'm a bad blogger / lazy [delete as appropriate] this post has been a draft in progress for far too long. SORRY GUYS! So now, I'm eating Creme Eggs in bed [not even messing, right, Tesco are selling off boxes of 12 for £1.97... drop everything and get there now, this is not a drill] and ready to tame the beast. Let's do this.
Check out #PaperHaul's website [as well as sign up to receive their monthly boxes of triumph, which you'll totally want to, after you've seen the pics below.] Their monthly offerings are described as subscription boxes for creative people; so if that's you, definitely check them out. You won't be disappointed.
Although I've tried beauty subscription boxes in the past [before I became too poor to live... but never too poor for Creme Eggs] I've never tried anything like this before - and I've ALWAYS wanted to. I proper heart stationary and all the craft-y creations I see you guys come up with, I get pure jel. Also Bullet Journals?! Someone please link me to a post / vlog on what I need to do to join this bandwagon plz.
ANYWAY. #PaperHaul very kindly sent me their February 16 box*. I was well excited to try out my first creative subscription box, and this excitement was [at least] quadrupled when I realised that the designs featured this month were from our very own Dorkface!! I frigging heart our Jem [she designed my blog header and blog button, FYI #talented] so seeing her designs printed and boxed up in this way was totes amazing.
The box itself was literally the gift that kept on giving. As I picked items out, more items just seemed to pure pop out from all over the show. There was just so much!! And all so cute and inspirational; with tons of cute Dorkface blog vibes. I was proper made up and planning in my mind what I'd use every single item for. A little notebook, cards, tags... the box even had a sneaky little roll of washi tape, which I was buzzing about tbh. I proper want to get into scrapbooking etc and all the creativity from one box alone pure inspired me. Anyway, prepare yourself, cos here come the [millions of] photos so you can make your own mind up.
I personally think that Jemma's designs, the concept of this box and the whole experience was pretty...
Do you agree?
I loved my first #PaperHaul experience. It's the gift that keeps on giving - the amount of stuff packed into this box was insane. I've since used some of this stationary to wrap and send a postal delivery to a friend and I know plenty of crafty creatives who will BUZZ when I tell them about the #PaperHaul concept.
#PaperHaul also donate 10p for every box they sell to the charity PostPals which is a really lovely cause, supported by truly lovely people. If you don't already, give these guys a follow on Twitter. The price of these boxes is so reasonable and you're helping a great company and great designers build a name for themselves. And Jemma - hats off to you, I have no doubt you and Luna will take over the world one day ;]
Have you ordered a #PaperHaul box before? Do you subscribe to any creative subscription boxes?
*#PaperHaul very kindly gifted me this little box of glory, but as ever, all opinions are my own. How could I NOT love this, anyway?!
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