The eyes are [apparently] the windows to the soul; and I personally like to frame my windows with big-ass curtains. Curtains in this [odd] metaphor being massive, dramatic lashes.

I proper love a good pair of lashes. Though as I explained in this post; mine have never reeeeally been the same, since an unfortunate accident with an eyelash curler [on school photograph day] in my teenage years. So I've been reliant on falsies to get me through ever since.

My dedication to the lash life is strong - I never leave the house without a good pair of falsies; whether I'm off out-out, to Tesco or even just taking the bins out, haha. I just love that dramatic, fluttery look and the lift that a nice set of lashes can give your face. 

I'd heard of Nouveau LVL Lashes before, and seen a fair few before and after photos of girlies who'd taken the plunge ahead of me. In case you aren't familiar, you can read more about LVL Lash Lift Treatment here - but in simple terms, it's a long lasting way of making your lashes curlier, more defined and longer looking. And the effects last for 6-8 weeks!!! Pretty much the stuff of my dreams. But had I ever thought to try it before? No, not really. And in hindsight, I totes wish I had.

Bloom Permanent Cosmetics Liverpool Nouveau LVL Lash Treatment review by Lovelaughslipstick blog

You may have read my HD Brows posts before [and if you haven't, you can have a spy on my brow-story here #ShamelessPlug] - about when Lisia from Bloom Permanent Cosmetics Liverpool first helped me turn my brow game around. I've gone from having wispy, sick excuses for eyebrows to actual human-resembling brows - with shape and everything. This is a story for another day, but basically, Lisia is a brow hero - and I now wouldn't trust anyone else but her and Bloom Liverpool with matters so close to my heart [my lashes and brows.] So when she suggested I try LVL Lashes, I was as game as a badger. Here's my LVL Lash experience, first hand. Please be warned, I have like, no makeup on in these pics and you might be a bit sick at the state of my face.

Bloom Permanent Cosmetics Liverpool Nouveau LVL Lash Treatment review by Lovelaughslipstick blog Prosecco 
Bloom Permanent Cosmetics Liverpool Nouveau LVL Lash Treatment review by Lovelaughslipstick blog

Cheeky glass of Prosecco in hand, I made my way into see Lisia. The LVL treatment itself lasts about 40 minutes, so I laid down and let Lisia perform her magic. There are four main steps to the treatment, and being the total babe that she is, Lisia also tidied up my brows for me during my LVL experience; ready before I go back to her later on this year for another HD Brows Session. Here's my lashes before their LVL Lift.

Bloom Permanent Cosmetics Liverpool Nouveau LVL Lash Treatment review by Lovelaughslipstick blog

Step 1 

First of all, Lisia bonded my lashes to their shields [the gummy things you'll see in my photos below.] It feels a bit weird at first, but you soon get used to it. My eyelids look especially mental, as I asked for the most dramatic look possible - which meant giving my lashes an ultra lift. TOTES WORTH IT.

Step 2

The second step of my LVL treatment was the curling bit; Lisia worked her magic and applied the stuff to my lashes which would permanently curl and lift them. Again, all totally pain free and not at all unpleasant. Nearly nodded off, I won't lie!

Bloom Permanent Cosmetics Liverpool Nouveau LVL Lash Treatment review by Lovelaughslipstick blog

Step 3 

Next up, Lisia tinted my lashes. She used a black tint, so the end result is just like having mascara on, but way more long lasting. 6-8 weeks more long lasting, in fact!

Step 4

Finally, Lisia nourished my lashes; which also unstuck them from their shields and set them free. Taking the gummy shield off was totally painless and by this point, I was quite happy having my eyes closed and a nice lie down haha.

Bloom Permanent Cosmetics Liverpool Nouveau LVL Lash Treatment review by Lovelaughslipstick blog

Step 5

Officially, there isn't a Step 5. However, I feel that in my case, there was a Step 5 - this step is simply titled TRIUMPH. Just look at my new, au natural lashes!

Bloom Permanent Cosmetics Liverpool Nouveau LVL Lash Treatment review by Lovelaughslipstick blog

Can you cope with that result?! Cos I can't. I still can't, and it's been a good few days since the treatment now. 

Although it initially feels a bit mad and you defo resemble some form of alien with your eyelids looking like they've been turned inside out, it honestly doesn't hurt at all and as you're laid down for the whole thing [which is totally relaxing], it's the perfect excuse for a nap haha. And just look at my results, it couldn't be any more worth it.

Bloom Permanent Cosmetics Liverpool Nouveau LVL Lash Treatment review by Lovelaughslipstick blog Before and After

Aftercare is pretty simple - the only thing I needed to do was not get my sexy new lashes wet for 24 hours post treatment. The first time I had a bath and wiped my eyes I was pretty anxious, but honest, my lashes have remained as defined and curled as they were on day one; no matter how many times I've rubbed my eyes or scrubbed off my mascara.

I am in love with my new, au natural lashes. LVL means that I can get up in a morning to greet the postman in my pjs and not look like a creature of the swamp; they add a really pretty, feminine touch to my otherwise manly head. They're like the lashes I've always wanted - it's like, having the best day using the eyelash curler you've ever had, but everyday. With mascara, they are truly INSANE - I don't need to wear falsies to have sky high lashes now, I've boosted my natural assets and I'm loving it! 

Bloom Permanent Cosmetics Liverpool Nouveau LVL Lash Treatment review by Lovelaughslipstick blog

I absolutely loved my first LVL Lash Treatment at Bloom Liverpool and really wish I'd tried it sooner. It's total genius and ideal for going away - having my lashes look like this would give me total confidence to strut out to the pool fresh faced and I wouldn't have to worry about waterproof mascara by the pool anymore!

I've already discussed going back for more LVL at Bloom Permanent Cosmetics in the future and highly recommend you check out this treatment too. If you're a Liverpool or North West based blogger / girlie / eyelash enthusiast I DEFO recommend you visit Lisia. She's amazing at what she does and the Bloom salon is a] proper nice inside and b] in a convenient, easily accessible part of town. With Prosecco. Need I say more?!


Have you ever had Nouveau LVL Lashes? What do you think of my results? How do you boost your natural lashes - are you a falsie enthusiast, like me or naturally blessed in the eyelash department?

Lovelaughslipstick blog Fashion Beauty Health Lifestyle blogger

*This post contains a treatment I was gifted for the purpose of review. As ever though, all opinions are very much my own and I mean, just look at those lashes!!
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