It's nearly time, huns. The New Year, New Me status & Insta caption epidemic is about to rear its head again. Tbh tho, I don't rly mind it that much; contrary to most people's feelings on the matter. If you wanna use the start of the New Year as a way to reinvent yourself - or start working towards a new goal / thing / body / lifestyle, fair play to you; qween. You do you and all that.
New Year does, for me anyway, always bring up da feelz I don't usually have on a day-to-day basis; yeno, them pyar mushy ones and appreciation for other humans. It's one of them, innit; a traditionally coupley night spent planning ya next year together. Where you have to neck at midnight & it's a huge thing if you miss it, or bae goes for a really badly timed poo and ruins your perfectly planned moment... THEN having the downright nerve to not propose with that Tiffany ring you've subtly bookmarked on all his internet-accessing devices.
I don't just get romantic feelz when the clock hits 12; some of my best New Years have been spent with pals; singing Auld Lang Syne, knocking back rum and hugging it right out. Which is what I'll totally be doing for the first few seconds of 2019 [omg, I've just googled Auld Lang Syne and pls listen to this version; I'm pretty much weeping at it.] It is a bit exciting to think of the whole new year of adventure and opportunity ahead of us / me.... and all the new people I'm gonna meet in 2019. And date. And probs block. Hahaha. New Year, new bae?
We're cruising through the Christmas Party Season now - and all those extra 'oh sod it, it's Xmas!' nights out we typically enjoy around this time are in full swing [whilst, of course, cleverly swerving the mistletoe, unless it's someone you genuinely wanna have a lil neck with.]
This time of year is a great opportunity to meet new people & enjoy yaself; the atmosphere is contagious. This is the first year in, like, 6 years that I've been single for Christmas and NYE - so I'm fully enjoying myself & defo not on the hunt for no baes [🚷] ... but I know a lot of singletons proper up the ante dating wise around now, to kickstart their romantic leads for the new year. After all, before you know it, it's Valentine's isn't it?!
For many single qweens, New Year might be time to tidy up ya Tinder, update your online dating profiles, flick through ya little black book & throw a few rogue pokes on Facey B. And this is so exciting! I can't wait to share in these adventures with you guys. And possibly my own, too - though so far, they're not the kinda things I wanna put on the internet hahahaha... they remain firmly in the groupchat. And also, loudly discussed over a few wines with friends / acquaintances, as I can't keep my mouth shut 99% of the time.
Wherever you're based in the world - UK or otherwise, there's no denying there's something a bit exciting brought about by the arrival of the start of a new year... and all the opportunities, events, people and fun to be enjoyed. If you're happily coupled up - NYE & Christmas is a lovely time to enjoy to together and if you're single... it's the best time to make the most of all the mistletoe, wine, parties & social events. Milk those mutuals [not literally, unless it goes like, rly rly well; hahahaha.]
If this sounds like you - and you're local [hahahaha 'Are you local?!'] this jersey dating site might be a good place to start your new 2019 quest for lovin' and proper good clubnecks. If not - stick with me, and the dating content I have planned to coincide with my new single life will hopefully have a few tips & websites to help / entertain you!
*Collaborative post, but all opinions & experiences are very much my own xo
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