If there's one thing I'd like to improve moving forward into the New Year [other than my horrendous skin, poor timekeeping, dire financial status and horrend healthy food consumption rate] it would be organising my life better. No more lists upon lists, with additional lists to organise the lists I've already created. Just an easy, manageable schedule. Especially when it comes to blogging.
As the number of collaborations I've been working on has increased, my organisation skills have rapidly decreased and I've ended up with a pure backlog of products in my blogging basket. Sadface.
You may have caught this post on my new Pen to Paper Planner recently; which breaks down each day into manageable chunks and can be used to plan pretty much any aspect of your life. I can't wait to crack this out next year and get my life back on track. But I've also found another fabulous Blogger Planner that I simply have to share with you guys, too. It's affordable, pretty, totes Instagrammable and reprintable as many times as you need. And it's from PaperChicCo, who sell on Etsy.
This amazing digital download has detailed sections for everything you can think of when it comes to blogging. I print a fresh one off every week and try my hardest to maintain it. From keeping track on gifted products, agreed deadlines, post ideas and to-do lists; this comprehensive planner has a section for it all. And it costs just £6 to purchase and download. A small investment, for big gain.
The kit includes :
- The Ultimate Blogger Collection front page
- Pink detailed blog post planner
- Collaborations tracker
- Blog post checklist
- Social media stat tracker
- Products tracker [Products you want to buy or are awaiting delivery of PR samples]
- Blog & social media tracker / emails to send,
- To do checklist / goals / blog post ideas / inspiration
- Notes.
Once purchased, you'll be sent a ZIP file with 9 JPEG images inside; which you can save and print as many times as you want. The planner prints off in A4 and each of the JPEGS takes the shape of the pages inside. Simples.
Check out PaperChicCo's Etsy Store for tonnes of other blogger planner sheets, tables and inspo - there's different fonts, layouts, colours and bundles available, all for very affordable prices. I also purchased a YouTube planner from their store, which potentially gives away part of my plans for world domination this year, and which I'm dead excited about.
How do you organise your blogging tasks? Do you have a planner? You can purchase the Ultimate Blogger Collection from PaperChicCo here.
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