If you do a lot of your work in a home office, like many of us, then you can find that any working environment, even one custom-made to suit your needs, can feel frustrating and constraining after a while. For that reason, it’s worth taking the time to update it and re-invigorate it from time to time. Here's a few tips on how you can do exactly that!

Whether it's your child’s first day at school or whether they are just heading back after the summer holidays, there are a number of things that they will need on the big day. If you are unsure on what they need, or just don’t know where to start, here is a guide to everything your child will need for heading back to school.

Everything Your Child Needs For Heading Back To School*

My Top Chi Chi London Picks For Summer 2021*

by Nikki LLL Blog, May 19, 2021

Now that we've passed the May 17th milestone and (in-between mad bursts of hailstone, torrential rain, gusts of wind flipping the wheelie bins on their arses & pyar thunder storms lashing down on me when I'm obv in my flip flops) Summer is on the horizon, I have caught shopping FEVER! I want all the outfits, I want all the social occasions and I want them NOW, hun.

I've recently been perusing the Chi Chi London* website (I never knew just how versatile their range was before tbh, they've got some fab daytime dresses as well as their statement glam pieces) for a bit of inspo, and I've picked out some of my top Summer 2021 picks to share with yous in today's post. 

Skincare trends, amiright? 

It seems like every other day a new trend or 'TikTok must-have' product drops - and / or a new skincare term is coined. From 'purging' to 'glass skin', from 'ice rolling' to 'skinimalism' and from 'phygital' skincare to 'slugging'... it's wild out there, guys

With so much information and so many skincare enthusiasts, experts & bloggers sharing their skin hacks, it can feel overwhelming trying to wade through all the info out there, trying to determine what actually works - or what will be best suited to your complexion. 

Developing a morning routine to follow every morning is very useful for our health and mindset. All too often, people wake up before work at the last minute and rush about when getting ready. However, this method isn’t great when your health is concerned. 

One of your priorities each morning should be maintaining your oral health and incorporating some steps to achieve this into your morning routine. Lucky for you, we have researched for you and compiled some tips into this article. Interested? Stick around to find out more. 

Tips for Incorporating Oral Health into Your Morning Routine
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