It's a running joke and a commonly recognised fact that my phone is never above 10% battery. Every screenshot I send seems to just be further, incriminating evidence to illustrate how my phone lives its life in a permanent state of 4% batto. 

Part of my loyal Lifetime Low Battery Club Membership status is due to my lack of patience... I maaaajorly cba to sit by a wall plug waiting for me phone to drink it's electric juice. Like, what if I want a bath? What if I go into the other room? What if [God forbid] I actually wanted to go outside for a bit? I can't be held to the constraints of my knock off USB charging wire - so I unplug, wander off somewhere, forget to replug & then disappear off the face of the earth for a while waiting for my phone to power back on after a complete switch off.

My other main stumbling point when it comes to maintaining me phone's battery power is that I'm always bloody on it. That makes it sound like I have pure loads of friends - I don't. But as a blogger, I'm always up to something on there. Snapping photos, posting long, rambly, swear-filled rants on Insta Stories, editing pics, scheduling tweets, making endless to-do lists or replying to emails / DMs. Which is why I wanted to stop by today and quickly show you this lil gadget I was sent recently; which is legit a godsend for bloggers on the go.

The Blogging Life-Hack You NEED For Your Phone - USB Makers Powerbank Review, Lovelaughslipstick Blog

The Blogging Life-Hack You NEED For Your Phone - USB Makers Powerbank Review, Lovelaughslipstick Blog
The Blogging Life-Hack You NEED For Your Phone - USB Makers Powerbank Review, Lovelaughslipstick Blog

Let me introduce you to battery bae [and no, as sinister as this may sound, I'm not referring to some kind of raging sex toy.] I'm actually talking about this Logo Branded Powerbank* from USB Makers; a small, compact & lightweight charging device which comes in the exact design of your choice. 

The Powerbank itself comes complete with its own mini charging cable with USB adapter - and once you've left it plugged in to charge up for a while, the bank itself can be detached from this & used with your normal phone USB cable to charge ya mobile. On the move - gone are the days of desperately searching for plug sockets on the train or having to sit by your phone as it charges on the wall for about 23 years. It's super handy - especially if you're at an event or out snapping pics & you notice your battery start to dip on the low side. Simply plug in and go. What a time to be alive.

The Blogging Life-Hack You NEED For Your Phone - USB Makers Powerbank Review, Lovelaughslipstick Blog

If you're a blogger, social media enthusiast or general phone power-user, I'd highly recommend getting ya mitts on a portable power bank - this one from USB Makers has saved my bacon on many occasions in the short time it's been in my life! Ain't nobody got time for your phone cutting off half-way through that Insta Live where you're running down your top ten cheeses... amiright?
*This post contains items I was gifted for the purpose of review, but all opinions are totes my own.
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